Clear, clean sexual expression
feeds the soul.
I can help you gain a better understanding of your needs and how to meet them. I will help you find ease, joy, and pleasure in your body. My aim is to connect your inner landscape with your body, and also with the world in which you live. ~ Dr. Kelly Rees

What we seek – and how and when and why we seek it – can illuminate our selves, our desires, and our unmet needs.
If you have a problematic relationship with porn, webcamming, or other erotic imagery, we can examine the places that feel dangerous and build on the areas in which you are in control.

Alternative Relationships
There is no “right" type of sexual relationship. The key is to find the type best suited for you right now.
I have over 20 years of experience with alternative relationship styles. I can help you open to new ways safely, at your own pace.

If you feel you don’t fit into a category, or if you are changing your identity, we can explore the best expression for you now.
We can bring your outer self into alignment with your inner self in safe ways.

All bodies age. How we manage and accept our changing physical reality and possibly changing functioning can make a difference in how much joy we experience in our lives.
I create a safe container to explore delicate topics and vulnerable feelings.
~ Pema Chodron